Career Problems Commonly Faced By Professionals

Career Problems Commonly Faced By Professionals

We live in a constantly changing world, which brings thousands of incredible opportunities every day. However, these new opportunities always come along with the new challenges.

That’s why the list of career problems commonly faced by professionals is not fixed. It’s evolving, bringing up new issues that often make people feel dissatisfied with their jobs, depressed, and lost.

If talking about the current tendencies, 2020’s jobs are adjusting more and more to various artificial intelligence technologies. Many work processes go online, become more automatized, and the employees tend to struggle with effective communication inside their teams.

It is essential to know the current challenges and issues faced by professionals:

  • for employees (to be aware of possible problems and be ready to prevent or fix them effectively)
  • for employers (to make the management more efficient, provide support and help to the employees dealing with a crisis – in order to keep their companies afloat for years to come).

Can’t find a work-life balance and manage workloads?

Find it difficult to deal with your colleagues, managers, and your boss?

Feel stressed out because of multitasking, answering numerous emails?

Wanna change your career since you don’t feel passionate about what you do, but afraid of uncertainty?

Not satisfied with your salary, workplace politics?

Don’t have anybody to turn for help?

If any from the list makes you feel anxious and worried, we’ve got good news for you: you are not alone, and we know how to deal with it.

  1. Burnout Syndrome (BOS)

The main symptoms of BOS are:

  • energy depletion/ exhaustion
  • increased mental distance
  • reduced efficacy
  • emotional stress
  • increasing job-related disillusionment

Usually, the burnout syndrome is caused by a discrepancy between the employee’s expectations and the actual state of things.

Heavy workload, effort-reward imbalance, conflicts, understaffing, rapid changes in the company, diminished resources can trigger BOS.

Who tends to suffer from BOS?

Employees with low self-esteem or idealistic worldview, perfectionists, inflexible people, workers with unrealistically high expectations and those having financial issues.

How to prevent BOS?

  • control your state (you can use guided meditation like Calm or Headspace)
  • relax and focus on your passions (walk, read, do exercise…)
  • set the boundaries (make it a rule to separate your work and private life)
  • control multitasking and stop doing it each time you catch yourself
  1. Fear of Asking for Help at Work

According to statistics, one in three employees is afraid of asking for help at work or admitting that their mental or physical condition is unstable and they need some assistance or rest.

Over 60% of these employees regret not asking for help.

Why does it happen?

You may be confused with thoughts like «it’s unprofessionally», «my boss won’t understand me», «it will eventually affect my career in a bad way» and decide that it’s better to work extra eight hours per week than to ask for help.

However, neglecting your state can lead to BOS and a much bigger problem at work. If your boss had to choose either to provide you with some help and give a week-off or to lose your professional input to the company’s work, they would choose the first option.

  1. Keeping Your Skills Up-To-Date

Staying current is one of the biggest challenges faced by professionals nowadays, because our world is changing very fast. Technologies become more sophisticated, people develop new strategies, movement is the key to success.

These days, the only way to keep up-to-date in your career is to learn every single day. Thus, a concept of life-long learning is another «must».

Webinars, online and offline courses, workshops, books, articles – we are lucky to have access to multiple sources of information.

Today, if you don’t learn, you get outdated very quickly, which means UNCOMPETITIVE at the current job market.

  1. Fear of Career Change

Another common problem is the fear of career change, the dissonance between your wish to take up a new job and lack of confidence in your qualifications.

However, this problem arises from the inability to use transferable skills and translate your previous work experiences into new areas and industries.

These are lots of skills, which can be applied in different jobs to solve a huge variety of problems.

As soon as you realize some of your current job skills are transferable, the fear of career change and lack of self-confidence will decline.

All the knowledge and skills you have been gaining for years won’t be wasted if you change a job. On the contrary, your skills set can be valuable and become a part of your new mission.

  1. Too Many Choices

Another problem you might face when changing a career is the difficulty to figure out what exactly you really wanna do.

The modern world offers lots of opportunities, which is a great thing.

However, it can sometimes lead to the inability to make a choice because of the fear to miss the opportunities, opting for a wrong job.

So, what does it take to cope with these top-5 problems commonly faced by professionals in 2020?

  • Increase your self-awareness and self-confidence.
  • Learn to manage stress.
  • Embrace any changes.
  • Communicate and socialize.

P.S. Before quitting and looking for another job, make sure that you’ve taken responsibility for the problem and done everything you could to solve it. Have you spoken to your boss about the possible solutions? Have you eliminated your inner conflicts?

Remember that you’re not the only person on the planet facing the challenge. Relax. You can handle it.


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