If during the coronavirus pandemic you got used to working remotely and don’t want to go back to the office, it’s time to think about freelancing. The realities of the present are that many jobs can be converted to freelancing, simply by moving employees out of the organization and allowing them to work out of the office. Even some medical professionals can work freelance, if, of course, the laws of the country in which they provide their services allow. But still, when taking the path of freelancing jobs, you should be aware that not every job can be done remotely. Also, it will come in handy to know how to report your freelance salary without a 1099 form.
You can become a freelance chef or auto mechanic, but you can’t work remotely from the location of your customers. Employment in these industries means that you have to live in close proximity to customers. One of the key advantages of freelance work, which is the ability to choose a place to live in a part of the world that is comfortable for you, is not available to you while working in such occupations. Therefore, when choosing a profession to which you are going to dedicate yourself in freelancing, take into account the possibility of working remotely.
Let’s dwell on each professional direction in freelancing jobs in more detail:
Jurisprudence area
According to the study, the highest-paid freelancers are lawyers. In addition, lawyers, on average, spend less time working than other freelancers – no more than six and a half hours a day.
Specialists in the field of tax law are the most in-demand. They have the highest rates, a stable flow of clients, and a high demand for services. Also in demand are drafters of agreements and contracts, legal consultants, paralegals. Recently there has been a growing demand for the services of specialists in fraud analysis, offshore law, and migration lawyers.
IT and Technology
The next professional group, which is distinguished by high earnings on the Internet, are specialists in the field of information technology. Game developers, mobile application developers, database programmers, and web developers stand out among them. They spend more time on work than lawyers – about 7.5 hours a day. The knowledge opens up the entire international offshore programming market to the freelance IT specialist, which makes his income stream very stable.
Economics and Management Area
Almost the same income as programmers can boast specialists in economics and management.
Their average rate also fluctuates on average like that of IT specialists. But they have to work more than all freelancers – almost 9 hours a day, which is higher than the average working hours. Financial managers and analysts, accountants, project and business managers, and human resources specialists can work remotely. An important feature of this professional group is the very high percentage of freelancers who hire subcontractors and eventually go from freelancers to entrepreneurs.
Freelancers – Designers
The most creative professional group of freelancers are designers. Their income varies greatly depending on their specialization. Graphic designers, logo developers get about $25 an hour. But the rate of web designers and multimedia specialists can often reach $50 per hour of work. Design is a very good direction in freelancing.
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Marketing and Sales Specialists
The most in-demand freelancers are specialists in marketing and sales. Sales managers, SEO-optimization specialists, SMM-managers, social media advertising specialists, YouTube promotion specialists, contextual advertising specialists, brand managers, product managers, traffic managers – these professions make up the largest group in free and remote hiring.
Their income varies greatly – depending on their level of professionalism and experience. Beginning freelancers in this field are paid $15 per hour, but experienced professionals can be considered some of the highest-paid freelancers. Internet marketing ace rates can go as high as $50 or even $100 per hour. It is much easier to find work and orders in the marketing and sales industry than in other freelance industries, but the earnings here depend not so much on the price of your services, but on the actual results of your work.
Copywriting Specialists
Wordsmiths also make up a large share of freelance professionals. Copywriters, website translators, fiction translators, technical translators, content managers, proofreaders, journalists – there is always work for them on freelance exchanges.
Their rates usually do not exceed $30 an hour, but they have the opportunity to sell their texts repeatedly by publishing books. It should also be remembered that freelance translators have the opportunity to move into the category of tutors, where the hourly rates are much higher.
Tutoring Area
The working hours of a remote tutor or teacher are always clearly regulated. This minimizes stress and makes the work pleasant and comfortable.
The main requirement for remote teachers is the highest qualification in their subject. So, if you decide to work in this field, try to get a master’s degree, or better yet, a Ph.D. or doctorate. The remuneration of online tutors meets the highest expectations.
Tutor rates start at $15-20 per hour in the U.S. and can go up to $100 per hour in classes with foreign students. After gaining popularity, publishing their books, and gaining fame, the teacher can periodically (however, no one stops them from doing it regularly) organize group remote master classes, the hourly rate for which can reach $500.
Support Specialists
The last category of remote workers that absolutely must be mentioned is customer support and administrative support workers. These include data entry specialists, business assistants, customer support specialists, and virtual administrators. They get a relatively small salary for their work – no more than 22 dollars per hour. But they can start working even without a college degree. I would recommend such work to students who plan to work in freelancing after graduation. It would allow them to get experience with clients and accustom them to the rules of freelance exchanges.
Undoubtedly, the list of freelance professions given above is far from complete. We did not mention the sphere of telemedicine, remote psychologists, online trainers, and many others. There are also a large number of narrow and new, nascent niches in the freelancing market.
We have described only the main and most popular professional directions for freelancing jobs. Each of you can find an application of your talents in the specialization, which you can see and define by yourself thanks to your creative imagination and deep understanding of mechanisms of functioning of the branch you are interested in.