C# is a programming language designed for building applications like general purpose, focuses on developer productivity and object oriented. It has come from “C” programming language and carries many functions of C. It is pronounced as see sharp. It encompasses on declarative, strong typing, generic, component-oriented programming disciplines, etc.
With years, this language has been evolving and includes many new features. It has three major strengths over other languages, which are as follows:
- powerful as C++,
- simple than Java, and
- productivity of VB.
C# developers are in demand. It runs on other platforms using Mono Project. It runs on .NET framework, which is an object-oriented programming environment. It provides easy deploying of code and versioning of code. Taking up the below course, aids in grabbing C# jobs in USA.
C# .Net Online Training Module
❯Introduction/Overview of .NET
- Overview
- Future-based platform
- Difference between .NET and traditional programming
- Limitations to current trends
- Framework classes
- Security
- Common language runtime (CLR)
- Common language specifications (CLS)
- Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL)
- Multiple interaction and support
❯.NET framework
- Limitations
- Advantages
- Language interop
- Visual C#.NET language
- Assemblies
- Reflection
❯C#.NET language basics
- Getting started
- Conversion from data type to type
- Value types vs. reference types
- Looping
- Collections
- Indexers
- Arrays
- Structures
- Enumerations
- Methods and parameters in C#
- Strings
- Properties
- Unboxing and boxing
- Handling errors and exceptions
You can also check for:
❯Exception handling
- What are exceptions
- System defined exceptions
- Throwing exceptions
- Try, catch, finally
- Custom exceptions
- .NET exception hierarchy
- Why and why no C#
- Features
- .NET namespaces
- Where does C# fits in
- .Net/C#.NET installation
- C, C++ to visual C#
❯.NET versions – 1.1/2.0/3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
- Visual Studio.NET 2008—2013
- Hardware requirements
- Software requirements
- New look towards Windows Vista
- Sidebars/UAC/gadgets
- FAQs
❯Programming using visual C#.Net
- Getting started with the application
- Program design
- Value types
- Statements and flows
- Console classes
- Command-line arguments
- String formatting
- Reference types
- Programming structures
- Variable types
- 0/3.5 features of C#
- Implicit types
- Extension methods
- Other techniques
❯Windows forms
- Introduction
- Overview
- Layout enhancements
- Life-cycle of a form
- Creating simple GUI by hand
- Windows forms and controls
- Creating menus
- Notify icon
- Tree view
- List view
- Error provider
- Toolbars
- Image list
- Label and textbox controls
- .NET control hierarchy
- Using the windows forms designer
- Button and other controls
- Classes and objects
- Basic concepts of OOPs
- Abstract and override methods
❯Objected oriented concepts (advanced)
- Defining and implementing interfaces
- Defining and implementing inheritance
- Visual inheritance
- Preventing inheritance with sealed classes
- Forcing inheritance with abstract classes
- Cross-language inheritance
- Working with iterators, generics, nullable types and anonymous methods
- Understanding partial classes
- ‘ref’ and ‘out’ parameters
- Accessibility levels and specifiers
- Polymorphism
- Root of all classes
- Object destruction
- Casting objects
❯Delegates and Events
- What is a delegate
- Types of delegates
- Function pointers
- Difference between delegates and function pointers
- What are events
- Event handlers
- Inherited control
- User-defined control
❯Error Handling
- Error categories
- Structured form of handling
- Testing
- Strategies
- Code optimization
- Debugging of application
- Trace classes
❯Ado.Net 1.1/2.0/LINQ
- Overview
- History
- Background
- Architecture
- Design goals
- DataSet in real-time scenario
- LINQ (language integrated query)
- Introduction
- Understanding its role
- LINQ to objects
- Query expressions
- Representing of LINQ query operators – internally
❯Ado.Net components
- Environment access – connected and disconnected
- Object model
- Relations and constraints
- Using connection classes to connect to a data source
- Using DataReader classes
- Using DataAdapter classes
- Using DataSet class with disconnected data
- Using DataAdapter classes with DataSets
- Using command classes, executing queries and stored procedures
- Data-centric applications
- Commands
- Data sources
- Data tables, rows and columns
- New hierarchy – ADO.NET
- Insert, delete and update with ADO.NET
- Queries and stored procedures
❯Data Sources and .Net Data Providers
- Data source connecting
- Connections
- Connection pooling
- Connection strings
- Exceptions of ADO.NET
- Data provider – OLE-DB and SQL Server .NET
- Integrated security by SQL-server
❯Accessing Data : Connected Environment
- Commands
- Reading data
- Creating commands
- Batch queries
- Stored procedures
- Deletion of data
- Execution of commands
- Input and output parameters
- Adding and editing of queries
❯Accessing Data : Disconnected Environment
- Using disconnected environment
- Features of Dataset
- Filling DataSets
- Using data adapters
- Features of DataAdapter
- Navigation and functionality of DataSet
- Batch queries
❯Sorting, Searching and Filtering
- Searching in DataSets
- Searching column
- Row state searching
- Searching in a data view
- Using data views, sorting performed
- Filtering performed using data views
- Primary keys finding
C# .NET Training and Placement in Various Cities:
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Colorado
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Chicago
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Columbus
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Boston
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Washington
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Kentucky
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Miami
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Houston
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Phoenix
- C# .NET Training and Placement in Kansas