Introversion occurs on a spectrum. There are different degrees of introversion and although there is a wide variety of personality traits of introverts, but most of them share certain common characteristics and challenges. Introverts are worn out by social encounters and energized by solitude and creative pursuits. There are various careers for people with introvert personality to choose best careers for Introverts. High paying jobs for introverts that pay well gives a detailed description of the job opportunities they can go for.
Introverts are often hardworking, zealous people who require a need for their space and downtime. They put their heart and soul into everything that they do but it can leave them feeling weary, especially in the business world. While they may not be the most forthright and outspoken in meetings and often shy away from big presentations, they do possess many traits that are valuable in the workplace. However, they are good listeners which help them to build a good rapport with people around them and make insightful contributions to discussions. To help you find successful jobs, here are some of the most ideal job positions for people of this personality type:
- Blogger or Writer – Introverts prosper in an environment where they are alone with their thoughts and it is often during these periods that they channel their creativity and develop strong ideas. Creating content is one of the most suitable careers for introverts, whether it’s a blog, marketing campaign, social media, novel, etc. This requires hours of solitude with very little interaction with others. Depending on their deadlines, writers take off for long duration to do research and working on their content. Since introverts tend to be introspective they enjoy these hours of reflection as they deliberate and conceptualize their next article or plot line. Writers can be freelancers, self-employed, or traditional employees. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), median annual wages for salaried writers and authors were $53,070.
- Graphic Designer – It’s a great for an introvert because it involves utilizing your creative skills to create custom digital artwork and coming up with visually appealing concepts, all the while working alone with your computer. Although as a graphic designer you are required to interact with team members, clients, etc, but it doesn’t necessarily require a one on one interaction. It also gives you ample of time to escape back into your latest design project. In order to pursue a career in this field you need to earn a bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a related field is usually required. The median annual wage for graphic designers is $47,640.
- Film/Video Editor – Becoming a film and video editor is one the best careers for introverts. It requires you to spend time in a private editing room where you get to see all kinds of raw footage and create something magical out of it. Video editors work in many different industries, including film, broadcasting and advertising. Nowadays, video editors are hailed as the back bone of any post production process. You need to possess a bachelor’s degree in film studies or production in order to become a film/video editor. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an 18% increase in the hiring of video editors is expected for the 2014-2024 period. The BLS reported that the annual median salary for film and video editors is $80,300.
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- Computer Programmer – It is usually considered as one of the best careers for introverts. Computer programmers work on projects independently, writing codes in front of a screen, which gives introverts time to enjoy solitude. They can code from anywhere as all they needs is a computer and internet connection. Not only from offices but you can also work from library and home which will give you the quiet to focus on your work. In order to become a computer programmer you need a Bachelor of Computer Science or related degree. Depending on the experience, programmers generally earn $80,000/year.
- Conservation Scientist and Forester – What’s better for an introvert than spending their workdays in the peace and quiet of the great outdoors as you refresh your own energy reserves while also managing parks, forests, rangelands and conservation areas, and where your co-workers are more plants than humans? Some foresters educate others about the importance of conservation and they counter balance it by spending long duration of time alone in the fields working and gathering samples. If you go wish to go down this career path you will need a bachelor’s degree in conservation, environmental science, forestry or a related field. Some states also demand for licenses and certifications for forestry. The average annual income in this field is $61,400, according to the BLS.
- Astronomer – Becoming an astronomer can be one of the high paying careers for introverts. Astronomers study celestial bodies like stars, planets and galaxies. They also collect mathematical and statistical data for making predictions and for scientific work. It is ideal for introverts as they not only get to work with a small team of engineers and scientists but also spend a lot of time alone doing their own research work. Being an astronomer typically requires a PhD in physics or astronomy. On an average they earn $114,870 a year.
- Archivist – This job is God sent for the introverts. Imagine spending your time with works of art instead of dealing with co workers and customers? Archivists catalogues, preserves, edits, assembles, and manages historically significant or potentially valuable documents and records such as artworks, historical items, websites, sound recordings, and manuscripts. The nature of their role is solitary and they can find job positions in museums, galleries, universities, government offices, botanical gardens, and historical sites. For those who wish to go down this career path should get a bachelor’s degree in library science or archival science. However, archivists can also obtain bachelor’s degrees in subjects such as history, art or science. At the graduate level, many schools offer master’s degrees in archival studies. According to B.L.S., the average median salary of an archivist is $53,880.
Conclusion: There are plenty of career options that play to an introvert’s strengths and bring out the very best in them while also offering a steady and high income.