DOT NET says “Coding is Rhyme”. The basic design principles of this course include performance, security, interoperability, memory management, portability, interdependence and simplified deployment.
DOT NET course familiarizes and teaches the use of Microsoft’s Visual Web Developer and creating interactive and polished websites with the use of C#.NET, ASP.NET, etc. Displaying the information read and connecting to a database has been made easier by this course. This hands-on course provides visitors a chance to interact with your website by providing powerful controls to your Web pages. The complete .NET IT Training prepared a candidate for all types of .Net job positions.
Online training enables you to balance your work-life and training schedules as per your requirement. It provides you with 24*7 e-learning access.
Complete .NET Summary
❯Introduction To .Net
- What is .net
- .net platform independent or not
- .net framework
- Framework Class Libraries (FCL)
- Base Class Libraries (BCL)
- Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- Just In Time (JIT) Compilation and its types
❯Introduction to C# .Net
- Features of
- Data Types of
- Conditional and Looping Control Statements
- Arrays
- Jagged Arrays
- One Dimensional Arrays
- Two Dimensional Arrays
- Members of Array Class
- Console Applications and Console Class
- Functions
- Pointers
- Structures
- Value types and Reference types
- Enumerations
- Boxing and Unboxing
❯Object Oriented Programming Structure (OOPS)
- OOPS Features
- Class
- Data Encapsulation
- Data Abstraction
- Object and Instance
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Access Modifiers
- Public
- Internal
- Protected
- Protected Internal
- Private
- Creating Classes
- Creating in class
- Fields
- Properties
- Methods
- Static Members Vs Instance Members
- Sealed Methods and Sealed Classes
- Constructor and Types of Constructors
- Garbage Collector and Memory Management By Garbage Collector
- Polymorphism
- Compile Time
- Runtime Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- Keyword ‘new’ this and ‘base’
- Method Overloading
- Method Overriding
- Methods
- Abstract Methods
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- Operator Overloading
- Delegates
- Destructor
There are various available :
❯Steps to work with Delegate
- Creating a Delegate
- Instantiating a Delegate
- Invoking the Delegate
❯Types of Delegates
- Single Cast Delegate
- Generics
- Generic Classes
- Generic Methods
- Partial Classes
- Types of Errors
- Multi Cast Delegate
- Multithreading
- Exception Handling
- Structured Exception Handling
❯Windows Forms
- Introduction
- Properties
- Events
- Events and Delegates
- Methods
- Forms and Controls
- Advanced Controls-Image List, Tree View and List View
- Label , Basic Controls-Button, Textbox, Check Box, Radio Button, ListBox, Checked List Box, Combo Box, DataTimePicker, Picture Box, Timer and Progress bar
- Dialog Controls-Open File Dialog, Save File Dialog, Font Dialog and Color Dialog
- Container Controls-Group Box,Panel,TabContainer and Split Container
- Multiple document Interface (MDI) Applications
- Menus -Menu Strip, Context Menu Strip
❯Class Libraries and Assemblies
- Create a Class Library
- Using a Class Library
- Assemblies
- What is a assembly or assemblies?
- Assembly types
- Satellite Assemblies
- Private Assemblies
- Global Assembly Cache (GAC)
- Shared Assemblies
- History of Database Technologies by Microsoft
- Architecture
- Connected Architecture
- Disconnected Architecture
- Examples with Disconnected and Connected Architecture
- Net Data Providers
- SqlClient
- OracleClient
- Data Reader
- Creating Connection to various Data Sources
- Command
- Command Builder
- Calling Stored Sub Programs using ADO.Net
- Inserting,Deleting,Updating Rows
- Crystal Reports
- Data Set
- Data Adapter
- Data Table
- Data Column
- Data Row
- Stored Procedures
- XML Integration
- XML Basics
- Creating Tables
- XML Namespace
- Windows Service
- Deployment
- Transactions
- Role of XML in ADO.NET
Introduction to Web Applications
- JavaScript
- What is web server and its purpose
- IIS web server and Configuring IIS Web Server
- What is Virtual Directory and How to create it
❯Introduction to ASP.Net
- What is ASP.Net
- Creating ASP.Net
- Request and Response objects
- How the Request for an ASP.Net page is Processed
- Page Submission Methods Post and Get
- Net Page Post-Back
❯Creating ASP.Net Web Pages In visual studio .net
- Creating ASP.Net website in visual in Page and Code Behind Techniques
- HTML Server Controls and Web Server Controls Standard Web Server Controls-TextBox, Button, Label, ListBox, DropDownList, CheckBox.RadioButton, CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList, Image Link Button, Image Button, HyperLink, view, Multi view, AdRotator, Calendar and File Upload
- Client Side and Server side controls
- Validation types
- Client-Side
- Server-Side
- Validation Groups
- Validation Controls-Required Field Validator, Compare Validator, Range Validator, Custom Validator and Regular Expression Validator
- Validation Summary
❯ADO.Net Data Providers
- SQL Client
- Oracle Client
❯ADO.NET Architecture
- Connected Architecture
- Disconnected Architecture
- Creating Connection to various Data Sources
- Examples with Disconnected and Connected Architecture
- Calling Stored Sub Programs using
- Data Bound Controls of
- Gridview
- DataList
- Repeater
- Listview
- FormView
- DetailsView
❯ASP.NET Worker Process and Page Life Cycle
- State Management
- What is State Management
- Client Side State Management Techniques
- Cookies
- Query String Parameters
- View State
- Server Side State Management Techniques
- Application
- Session
- Caching
❯Security in ASP.NET
- What is Authentication and Authorization
- Types of Authentication
- Forms
- Windows
- Passport
❯Master Pages
- Introduction
- Dynamic Master Page
- Creating Content Pages
- Creating Master Pages
- Accesing Master Page content from Content Page
- Introduction
- Dynamic Themes
- Creating themes and applying to pages
- Introduction to AJAX
- Advantages
- Components
- AJAX Control ToolKit
- AJAX Control ToolKit Controls
- AJAX Extensions
.NET Training and Placement in Various Cities:
- .NET Training and Placement in Portland
- .NET Training and Placement in Broomfield
- .NET Training and Placement in Cleveland
- .NET Training and Placement in Boston
- .NET Training and Placement in New York
- .NET Training and Placement in Philadelphia
- .NET Training and Placement in Cincinnati
- .NET Training and Placement in Nashville
- .NET Training and Placement in Atlanta
- .NET Training and Placement in Baltimore