Video Conferencing: the Future of International Education?

Video Conferencing: the Future of International Education?

Video Conferencing: the Future of International Education?

We all know that the world is changing. Globalization, technology and other factors are leading to more international partnerships and exchanges. For example, many universities now offer distance learning programs for students who live in locations where there is no local campus or who want to pursue a degree from home.

The future of higher education is changing.

The future of higher education is changing. Technology has been a major part of this transformation, but it’s not new. Distance learning has long been a part of the academic landscape, with online classes and degrees predating video conferencing.

The trend toward on-line learning is not new; however, it’s certainly accelerating due to some unique characteristics of the current generation (Millennials) and their digital immersion in technology. This means that we need to consider how we prepare our students for this environment as well as understand what makes them tick when they are outside the traditional classroom setting.

Video conferencing is an integral part of this platform coming together because it allows students from around the world/country/state/city etc., access to instructors who teach these courses remotely (or sometimes locally). Video conferencing allows for increased mobility for both teachers and students alike – something that was once reserved only for those who could afford expensive plane tickets or until recently were stuck with dialing into meetings via phone lines at their desks in order not miss anything important happening during those meetings.”

The trend toward on-line learning is not new.

The idea of learning from a screen is not new. Online courses have been around for years, and the popularity has grown considerably in recent years. The trend toward on-line learning is not just for young people, but also for older adults and those with disabilities. These classes allow people from all walks of life to access educational opportunities that they might not otherwise have had access to—and they’re more accessible than ever before!

The quality of online courses continues to improve, and more people are taking advantage of the opportunity. However, many people still have concerns about the quality of these courses. Are they really as good as traditional face-to-face education? Is it possible for a virtual classroom to replicate the experience you would get from being in an actual classroom?

Video conferencing is an integral part of the platform.

Video conferencing is an integral part of the platform. It can be used as a means to an end, not an end in itself. Video conferencing can be used to improve international education and make it easier for students who have access to technology but don’t have the money or time needed for travel abroad.

Video conferencing is a disruptive technology that will impact education in many ways—for example, by making it possible for students who live far away from their teachers or classmates (or even both) to participate more fully in class discussions and activities; by allowing educators who are geographically dispersed to work together on projects more easily; and by allowing remote learners from all over the world to connect with each other on social media sites such as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp .

The same technology that is used to connect people can also be used to disconnect them from each other if it is not managed well. Video conferencing can be used as a means to an end, not an end in itself.

What are the drawbacks?

There are some drawbacks to video conferencing that you should be aware of. The quality of the video can be very poor, especially in low-light situations or if there’s a lot of movement. If you don’t have a good internet connection, the quality will suffer even more.

Obviously, it’s important not to distract your students by having them do something else while they are participating in a video conference call; this means making sure you don’t have any pets running around or children playing in the background! You also want to avoid placing smartphones next to your computer screen because they may reflect glare onto the camera – an issue that can be solved by repositioning them slightly away from where everyone sits.

Another thing worth mentioning is that classroom desks tend to have glass tops so even if there isn’t any direct sunlight coming in through windows (which often happens), there might still be some reflections on those surfaces which could potentially ruin someone’s face during their presentation.

Try turning off overhead lights for added privacy during these calls since this will help eliminate any unwanted glare as well as make it easier for each person on both ends of the conversation to see what’s happening on screen clearly without having anyone else distracting them from doing so!

Finally – one last thing: Make sure everyone has enough light within their workspace at home before getting started with this project because otherwise parts might go dark during conversations between one another causing confusion when trying talking amongst ourselves while watching videos together remotely via computers connected together using Skype software programed specifically designed specifically

It is a disruptive technology.

  • It is a disruptive technology. Disruptive technologies are ones that change the way we live, often being initially expensive, slow and inconvenient. However, they become more affordable over time while becoming faster and more convenient to use. For example, mobile phones were once very expensive but now are affordable to most people—and mobile phone service providers have made their systems faster and easier to use as well with 4G LTE speeds and on-demand apps like Uber or Lyft.
  • The potential for video conferencing in international education is exciting because it has the potential to be both fast (using high-speed internet) and inexpensive (thanks to Skype).

Video conferencing can also help increase student-teacher interaction, which is crucial for students who are studying from abroad.

It will take time to gain acceptance.

It will take time for students to get used to it. It will take time for teachers to get used to it. It will take time for institutions to get used to it. It will take time for parents and board members alike, who are often the last groups of people on a campus to change their habits and behavior around technology, but they needn’t be resistant forever: once they see how beneficial this technology can be in facilitating student success, they’ll come around quickly enough!

The mobile classroom will be here before you know it. So instead of fighting the inevitable, why not embrace it? Why not start planning how your school can implement this technology as soon as possible? Why not start getting students and teachers alike excited about what this could mean for their learning experiences going forward?


  • You can learn from the best educators worldwide, regardless of where you live.
  • You can study with a global community and connect with other students.
  • You can learn at your own pace, even if that means going slowly or jumping ahead in some areas.
  • Learning happens anywhere, so there is no need to be tied down to one location.

Learning can happen anywhere, and with the right technology it can be a truly global experience. The world is your classroom, and you don’t need to be tied down to one location. You can study from home or on-the-go and even connect with other students from around the globe.

There are several ways that video conferencing can be used to improve international education.

There are several ways that professional video conferencing software like FC can be used to improve international education. For example, it’s a good way to reach remote students who may not have access to traditional learning opportunities. In addition, it allows you to connect with students in developing countries or areas where there is little infrastructure—such as rural Africa or South America.

It is also an excellent tool for connecting students with different languages. It has been said that “the best way to learn another language is by speaking it.” With video conferencing, this becomes possible; you can now do so without leaving your home!

Video conferencing is also an important tool for connecting with students who may need to be taught via distance learning. For example, if a student has a disability that prevents him from attending school in person, but can still communicate effectively via technology, then video conferencing could be used to teach him.

Video conferencing has the potential to change the face of higher education.

Web conferencing apps and software have the potential to change the face of higher education. The technology is still in its infancy, but it’s growing quickly and could be a game-changer for international students.

It’s important to remember that video conferencing is not a replacement for in-person learning—it’s more like an enhancement or supplement, which can be used alongside other forms of classroom instruction. Video conferencing allows students and faculty to collaborate across great distances, allowing them to learn from each other regardless of where they live or work.


Video conferencing has the potential to change the face of higher education. It offers flexibility, convenience and many other benefits that are attractive to students and educators alike. However, it is still in its infancy as a tool for learning so there are several drawbacks that must be overcome before it becomes mainstream.